The job performance appraisal system; is a comprehensive system for evaluating the job performance of employees, and it can be referred, to as a continuous process of communication that aims to increase communication and serious discussion between officials and workers in the company, and through it, it is possible to determine the efficiency of performing the tasks assigned to employees with accuracy and transparency, and thus knowing the indicators It is possible to determine the quality of individual performance, to develop individual performance, which results in the development of the overall performance of the government entity or company.
How is the performance of employees in the state’s administrative apparatus evaluated?
The Civil Service Act No. 81 of 2016 establishes a set of procedures by which the performance of employees of the State administrative apparatus is evaluated: –
The competent authority determines a system through which the performance of the unit’s employees is evaluated according to the nature of its activity, the jobs in it, and its objectives.
The performance of employees is evaluated for a fiscal year, and this is done at least twice before determining the final report. The job performance of the unit is evaluated for employees whose work period has already reached at least 6 months.
Normal performance is what is based on evaluating the performance of the employees, and normal performance can be defined as the normal performance that helps to achieve the objectives of the unit according to its activity in different jobs there.
The final performance appraisal report shall be of specific estimates which are excellent, above average, efficient, weak, or average.
The performance of an employee who has not been able to actually perform work for a period of at least 6 months can be evaluated for the following reasons: – (His joining as a member of any of the union councils, recruitment, retention, child care leave, illness, or joining as a member in The House of Representatives, with a rank of competent judgment), but if he is evaluated with an excellent rank for his performance in the previous year, it is also estimated to be an excellent rank.
The employee obtains a report to evaluate his performance through the Human Resources Department, after it is approved by the competent authority, and he can file a grievance against it within a period not exceeding fifteen days starting from the date of obtaining the report.
Persons working in leadership positions and supervisory management shall submit the grievance regarding their job performance evaluation report to the competent authority.
The grievances of the rest of the workers are submitted to a grievance committee, which is dedicated to this and is established by a decision of the competent authority. It consists of three workers in leadership positions, and another member, if any, selected by the union committee.
The grievance is reviewed within a period of up to 60 days starting from the date of its submission and the Human Resources Department should inform the employee of the outcome of his grievance and its reasons, and this is a final report and has the full right to litigate.
The performance evaluation report is not final until the end of the period specified for grievance.
In the event that the employee obtains two consecutive annual reports with a weak rank, the decision is taken by the Human Resources Committee to place him in a second job that is suitable for him and at the same level of his job for a period of one year, and if it becomes clear after this period that he is not suitable for this job because of his health condition, fifty percent of total wages for 6 months.
However, if it becomes clear that he is not suitable for work, the Committee will decide in this case to terminate his work because he is not fit to work in this position and will give him his insurance rights, and the report will be given to the competent authority for accreditation.
If two successive reports are submitted for a staff member in a leadership position below the average, his or her employment shall be terminated as of the day following the staff member’s receipt of the final report of his or her evaluation with full pension entitlement.
The 4 Most Important steps to evaluate job performance?
Job Performance Evaluation (PAS) is the best way to evaluate an employee’s performance in terms of productivity, competency, and ability to complete all required tasks for career development. Estimates of this performance are classified as periodic and continuous critiques of performance within organizations. The process has several criteria and steps: –
Objective Evaluation: – The manager sets a number of goals and priorities that employees must complete within a specified period, after which realistic performance and practical performance of the employees in the company during that period are compared with the objectives and priorities that have been documented. Using this comparison, the company can identify the employees’ mistakes, educate them and direct them towards the desired performance. This method can be used to rank the employees according to their achievements and competencies and to identify the employees with poor performance.
Critical Event Assessment: – This process evaluates employee performance according to corporate behavior by documenting significant events that have been observed that concern the work to which the employee is obliged to perform and whether it is negative or positive over a given time period.
Test List: – Managers write a list of phrases about the work of the staff and the methods they should use, and each employee should have a specific set of qualities.
gradient: – evaluate the employee’s performance according to a number of actions and standards:
To what extent the employee is committed to his duties.
How an employee deals with his colleagues and whether he achieves the principle of collaboration and creativity.
Attention to appearance to always be decent and elegant.
The employee is evaluated by being given grades and estimated between one and 5 grades for each of the stated criteria. Sometimes weight is given to each criterion. The importance of the criterion is assessed if its weight is heavier and it is necessary to achieve it. After that, the weight of the criterion is multiplied by its rating, and all the results are collected to give the employee the assessment.
Top 5 Objectives for the Functional Performance Assessment
Functional assessment has several objectives, including: –
It can identify what the employee needs to train and develop.
Facilitates communication between employees and managers.
Job performance is evaluated based on a set of criteria so that personal opinions are not taken into account in the evaluation of employees.
We can take the necessary actions that depend on the employee’s rating.
Knowledge of difficulties encountered by a staff member in performing his or her duties to avoid them.
Four main criteria for evaluating job performance
There are a set of criteria by which job performance is assessed, the most important of which are:
Productivity: This is how efficiently employees complete their tasks at a minimal cost.
Quality of Work: This is where he or she will determine if he or she is committed to the criteria and outcomes for the job or activities.
Entrepreneurship: This is done by figuring out how the employee can act without waiting for assistance.
Working in a team spirit: An employee must be able to work with his or her colleagues on a team and give the same results as desired.
Troubleshooting: The extent to which he is able to solve problems and corresponding difficulties.